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Maize is a significant source of protein

Maize is a significant source of protein

Maize, or corn, is made up of different parts. One of the main parts is the kernel, which is the small, yellow part you see on a corn cob. These kernels are packed with nutrients, including carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Importantly, they also contain protein. Proteins are made up of tiny units called amino acids. Think of amino acids as the individual bricks that build a protein “wall.”

There are many different types of amino acids, and our bodies need them all to function well. Maize doesn’t have all the different types of amino acids in the right proportions that our bodies need. Some amino acids are missing or not present in high enough amounts. But that’s okay! This is where a varied diet comes in. We eat other foods, like beans, nuts, and animal products, that provide the missing amino acids. When we combine maize with these other foods, our bodies can use the amino acids from both sources to build the proteins we need.

1. Maize (Corn): Maize is a type of plant that produces kernels on a cob and is commonly known as corn.

2. Nutrient-Rich: Maize kernels are filled with nutrients like carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein.

3. Protein Basics: Protein is a vital component of our bodies, acting like building blocks for growth, repair, and energy.

4. Amino Acids: Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids, which are like the bricks used to build a wall.

5. Amino Acid Variety: There are different types of amino acids, and our bodies need a variety of them to function properly.

6. Maize Protein: Maize contains protein, but it doesn’t have all the types of amino acids in the right amounts our bodies need.

7. Complementary Foods: Other foods like beans, nuts, and animal products have the missing amino acids that maize lacks.

Below is a list of useful links:

Remember, it’s important to have a diverse and balanced diet to ensure we’re getting all the essential nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy.

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